Posts Tagged ‘ Parsifal ’

WunderKammer studio_studio: final crit



Wunderkammer gif

Wunderkammer gif

Wunderkammer the studio_studio project is based on Anselm Kiefer‘s painting Parsifal 1.

I was drawn to this image as it felt like a scene from a Grimm‘s fairy tale from my childhood. The painting depicts a room with a very disturbing scene of domesticity. The volume of the room, with its single focus, feels uncomfortable. The walls, floor and ceiling are made from wood, all heavy with the gravitas of of an intense Grimm’s tale. Wood which is solid, dark, oppressive is in contrast to the bright isolated cot. The only soft material is recently rumpled bedding. Where has the warmth of baby gone? The pagan German mythology of wood, with Thor deepens the dark, menacing use of this raw material. The cot on the other hand is a polished ethereal white and made with care. The only light comes from a solitary window; filtered, muted light glows over the cot and down the elongated room, to the observer of this strange scene.

I was interested in recreating the wash of light within Wunderkammer. The fragility of the outside material is contrasted against the solid wooden interior. This fragility of diaphanous material represents the cot encompassing the stolid volume.

The visceral emotions of this intense space is release when entering the surrounding lights and bright space.